- Elden ring -

talisman legend Appearance, attribute and acquisition method

2022-03-01 08:36:19

Marika's Soreseal

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This mythical talisman features an eye adorned with an Elden Rune, believed to be the mark of Queen Marika.

Dramatically enhances mind, intelligence, faith, and arcane, but also heightens damage susceptibility by a comparable degree.

A solemn duty presses upon the one bound to it, reminiscent of a persistent curse with no reprieve.

How to get it: Locate in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. Found on an altar in a sealed room in the southeast lower levels. This room requires a Stonesword Key to unlock.

From the Prayer Room Site of Grace, move through the door to the north, and cross over to the walkway that has the Erdtree Avatar. Head to the southern end of the walkway, then jump down the western side, jumping down once again to reach the sealed door.

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