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Morgott, the Omen King
One of the Great Rune Keepers—— the protecter of the Leyndell, Royal Capital. Is the ture identity of Margit, the Fell Omen, who slew countless champions seeking the Elden Throne.
Location: Leyndell, Royal Capital
Drops: 120,000 Runes, Remembrance of the Omen King, Morgott's Great Rune, Talisman Pouch (NG only and only if Margit, the Fell Omen has not yet been defeated)
Combat Information:
Health: 10,399 HP
Defense: 114
Stance: 80
Parryable: Yes, but 3 parries are required per stance break
Is vulnerable to a critical hit after being stance broken or parried
Damage: Slash, Pierce, Holy (Phase 1)
Damage: Slash, Pierce, Fire, Holy (Phase 2)
Inflicts: blood loss
Drops: 120,000 Runes, Remembrance of the Omen King, Morgott's Great Rune, Talisman Pouch (NG only and only if Margit, the Fell Omen has not yet been defeated)
Margit's Shackle can be used to stun Morgott twice during the first phase and using it while he's under the phase 2 threshold will begin the transition animation if he's still in Phase 1
Morgott has a scripted Holy Swords Rain attack at the 80% HP threshold, after that attack he unlocks new abilities such as Spear Charge, Sword Hammer Spin, and the Holy Swords Rain
Morgott normally goes into Phase 2 after getting damaged under 60% HP with the hard cap being 55% HP while staggered
In second phase, Morgott unlocks a few abilities such as Geysers after any attack that hits the floor, Bloodflame Grab, Bloodflame Slam, Bloodflame Chase and a Rapid Weapon Change attack that's only available when he's below 30% HP
Damage Negation / Resistance:
Standard: 0
Slash: -10
Strike: 0
Pierce: 0
Magic: 0
Fire: 0
Lightning: 0
Holy: 40
The negation numbers are the % of your damage that gets blocked. For example, if a negation is 60, 40% of that damage by that type will go through and 60% will be negated. Bigger number = less damage. A negation of 100 means no damage goes through, and a negation of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source. 0 means damage goes pretty much as is.
Poison: 337 / 435 / 725 / 1182
Scarlet Rot: 337 / 435 / 725 / 1182
Blood Loss: 337 / 435 / 725 / 1182
Frostbite: 337 / 435 / 725 / 1182
Sleep: 552 / 842 / 1299
Madness: Immune
The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.
Fight Strategy:
Morgott is basically a reskin of Margit, The Fell Omen. He shares some of the same attacks and looks similar. Particularly his dagger throw is the same, but he also uses some new attacks. He has a lot more health and hits harder, but in one way this fight is easier: the arena is much bigger and it’s easier to get some distance from him. As a spell user this is advantageous to spam him with spells. Before the fight, interact with the yellow sign on the floor to summon the NPC fighter “Melina” to help you. As soon as the fight starts, summon some Ashen Remains. This gives you two NPC helpers to distract Morgott. They should survive at the very least until Morgott’s health is half depleted. During this phase you should play very aggressively and attack Morgott from behind whenever he is focusing on the other NPCs. Ideally you can take around 60%+ of his health before your NPC helpers die. This is where it gets trickier because he will then focus on only you, and he is very aggressive and quick at close-medium range. He often throws a yellow spear, or holds the spear to stab you. When he throws the spear you must dodge in the very last moment when he releases it, if you dodge too early you can get hit by it. He has a long delay between aiming it and throwing it, so don’t evade too early. He sometimes uses AoE swords raining from the sky, get away to look where the swords fall down, there will be gaps where no swords fall and it’s safe to stand there. He also uses explosive bubbles on the floor which explode after a few seconds, don’t stand in them. If you need to heal, either run to the end other end of the arena so far that he won’t throw daggers, or evade one of his combo and heal after that. If you stand at medium range he will instantly throw daggers at you when trying to heal. It’s definitely another test of patience and learning when to evade, due to how much health this boss has and his varied moveset takes some tries to memorize.
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