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A torch securely affixed to an extended pole, illuminating dark spaces but limiting its wielder from raising it overhead. A favorite among sentinels on vigilant duty, its strikes have the fiery power to engulf adversaries.
Special Move: Charge Forth
Swiftly propel forward with the weapon holstered at the hip, converting the motion into a forceful thrust. Extend the duration to cover an even greater distance.
Acquisition Method: Obtain the Torchpole by defeating the guards patrolling the courtyard of Stormveil Castle.
One such enemy carrying this weapon lurks near the Stormveil Cliffside Site of Grace, ascending the wooden stairs along the wall.
Three additional torchpole carriers can be found in the courtyard close to the Liftside Chamber site of grace.
Travel east from the grace, encountering one nearly southward as you descend the initial stairway, another to the southeast positioned on ramparts, and the third ascending the eastern wooden stairway.
Stormveil Castle Elden Ring 3D Map - ANY4GAME Elden Ring Guide
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