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Ranni the Witch
A mysterious figure who first introduces herself as Renna. Upon meeting her again at Three Sisters, she reveals her true name and eventually will recruit you into her servitude, sending you off in search of a hidden treasure.
Daughter of Radagon and Rennala. After Radagon departed and became the consort to Marika, Ranni and her siblings were raised to demigod status. She appears to have some involvement in The Night of Black Knives.
Ranni seems to have lost her original body and now resides as spirit inhabiting an artificial doll body.
Location: Ranni's Rise
Ainsel River Main (Sites of Grace)——Miniature Ranni
Nokstella, Eternal City (Sites of Grace)——Miniature Ranni
Nokstella Waterfall Basin (Sites of Grace)
Cathedral of Manus Celes
Key Items: Fingerslayer Blade
Dark Moon Ring
Dark Moon Greatsword
Carian Inverted Statue
Miniature Ranni
Discarded Palace Key
Snow Witch Hat, Snow Witch Robe, Snow Witch Skirt
Related Questlines: Ranni the Witch questline
Preceptor Seluvis questline
the age of the stars
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