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2023-06-21 10:37:35

Tombsward Catacombs

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The Tombsward Catacombs is found in Weeping Peninsula. The entrance to the Tombsward Catacombs can be found by moving directly south from the Church of Pilgrimage, towards the Minor Erdtree. Look for the set of doors leading into the mountain, hidden behind a stone pillar.


The entrance to Tombsward Catacombs is a set of doors hidden behind a stone pillar on the side of the mountain. It can be easily found by heading directly south from the Church of Pilgrimage. Stepping into the Catacombs players will immediately find a Site of Grace to use. Heading into the catacombs from the Site of Grace players will see a room sealed by an imp statue. You can choose to use a Stonesword Key here to open the seal for a Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook (9) within. Otherwise heading left and down the stairs will bring you further into the Catacombs.


The Tombsward Catacombs is filled with Skeleton enemies that use various weaponry, including skeletal archers, sword users and skeletons throwing fire pots. In the first room you will find a set of ornate doors flanked by large stone statues holding lights. The doors are locked by some contraption. Head left to go deeper into the Catacombs, this second room spawns a skeleton that throws fire pots at the player as well as some some Grave Glovewort (1).


After dealing with the skeleton head deeper into the catacombs to find 2 skeletal archers standing amongst pillars. Turn right as you enter the room to get out of sight from the archers and face the 1 skeletal warrior standing in this corner of the room, there is also a Grave Glovewort (1) here to gather. Use the pillars to position the archers to face them one at a time to make the fight easier.


Heading out from this room is a tunnel with 1 skeleton holding a Grossmesser, a big sword. Slow down at the bend of the tunnel because there is a fire breathing statue at the end of the next tunnel that will breathe fire down the tunnel in pulses. The fire does huge damage and can kill players outright but you can cause it to descend by hitting it (using a bow helps quite a lot). Looking down the tunnel you can see a body on the path next to a small pocket that is safe, this pocket also features a single skeleton enemy lying in wait. Time yourself to the rhythm of the fire then head for the pocket, being careful to dispatch the skeleton without throwing yourself into the fire. Once at the fire breathing statue simply hit it to have it descend partway into the ground and turn off. This will also allow you to advance to the last room in this part of the catacombs where 4 skeleton enemies will be waiting.


Take care when leaving the final room, a skeleton that throws fire pots will appear above where the fire breathing statue. In the final room players will be able to find the Prattling Pate "Thank you".


To complete the catacombs jump on to the fire breathing statue, the statue will then raise with the player on it bringing them up to the second floor. Follow the path to find a room with a Grave Violet then a narrower room with a Grave Glovewort (2) at the end. This second room has a skeleton archer at the end of the room as well as a skeleton using a Grossmesser at the entrance. Past this room players will find the lever to open the doors at the beginning of the catacombs and also find themselves above the room with 2 skeletal archers.




The boss battle for these catacombs is the Cemetery Shade, a humanoid shaped enemy that teleports short distances. This boss will teleport short distances and attack the player with their weapons applying bleed. The boss will also prepare then throw a green orb of poison at the player, the pillars in the room can be used to block this attack. The boss is relatively weak with only around 800 health so dispatch them quickly to claim your reward of 2200 runes and Lhutel the Headless.

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