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Red Wolf of Radagon
A giant red wolf that wields sorceries.
Location: Academy of Raya Lucaria
Drops: 14000 Runes, Memory Stone
Combat Information:
Location: Head out the door south of the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace and along the corridor past several Glintstone Sorcerers. Once you get into the next room, turn west and head up both flights of stairs, then head east down the hallway to the fog gate leading to Red Wolf of Radagon.
Health: 2204 HP
Defense: 107
Stance: 120
Parryable: No
Is vulnerable to a critical hit after being stance broken
Damage: Standard, Magic
Drops: 14000 Runes, Memory Stone
Damage Negation / Resistance:
Standard: 0
Slash: -10
Strike: 0
Pierce: 0
Magic: 40
Fire: 20
Lightning: 20
Holy: 20
The negation numbers are the % of your damage that gets blocked. For example, if a negation is 60, 40% of that damage by that type will go through and 60% will be negated. Bigger number = less damage. A negation of 100 means no damage goes through, and a negation of -100 mean the enemy takes 2x damage from that source. 0 means damage goes pretty much as is.
Poison: 324 / 422 / 712 / 1169
Scarlet Rot: 324 / 422 / 712 / 1169
Blood Loss: 530 / 820 / 1277
Frostbite: 530 / 820 / 1277
Sleep: 324 / 422 / 712 / 1169
Madness: Immune
The resistance numbers are the buildup amount to trigger it. For example, if a resistance is 100 you must deal 100 points of the given buildup to trigger it. Note that these go down over time, and increase each time the effect procs. The values after the "/"s indicate the increased resistances after each successive proc.
Fight Strategy:
NPC Summons: Sorceress Sellen can be summoned for this boss fight after completing most of her questline.
Stay reactive and don't get greedy. Wait for attacks with long recovery times like Rearing Bite, Blade Plunge, and Glintstone Cometshard, nail the dodges, and get in only as many hits as you can afford before going back on the defensive. Experiment to figure out whether your weapon deals more damage with a few quick hits or one charged heavy attack. Don't bother attacking if there are Magic Glintblades active, or you're likely to take more damage than you inflict.
All of the Red Wolf's melee attacks deal Physical damage, so if you're good at stamina management you can get a lot of mileage out of a shield with 100% Physical reduction. Try to keep your shield up as often as possible as long as you've got the stamina for it, since its Bite attacks can come out of nowhere and cover a surprising amount of distance.
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