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For multi-hit attacks or twin-curved sword jump strikes: Millicent's Prosthesis、Rotten Winged Sword Insignia
Felying on skill output: Godfrey Icon、Shard of Alexander
For initiating attacks when HP is full: Ritual Sword Talisman
For weapons that can inflict bleed: Lord of Blood's Exultation
For jump attacks: Claw Talisman
And scorpion corresponding to the damage attribute.
Allocate attributes based on weapon modifiers or attributes with high scaling.
Flask of Wondrous Physick:
Stonebarb Cracked Tear, elixirs that correspond to the weapon's attribute(Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear、Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear...), and Thorny Cracked Tear
Golden Vow、Howl of Shabriri、Jellyfish Shield、Terra Magica(Death's Poker and Dark Moon Greatsword)
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