- Elden ring -

Elden Ring control

2022-09-30 11:51:56

PlayStation 5

character control

←: Change left hand weapon. → : Repair the right-hand side. ↑ : Changed spell/enchantment. ↓ : Change the object. ⭘: back/roll/run. ✖: Jump. △: Active time (browse, open, etc.). △△+Hand L1 or L2 changes left hand weapon from single mode to peer mode. △: Right hand + R1 or R2 to switch the finger weapon from one-handed to handed mode. ☐: Use objects. Left stick: move. Right stick: move camera/change target. L3: Squat down/stand up. A3: Reset/set target/delete target. L1: Block (left hand weapon). L2: Skill. R1: Attack (right hand weapon and weapon weapon). R2: Power Attack (weapons and weapons). Crack R2: Charged attack. Options: Main Menu. Touch panel buttons: Map.

horse control

←: Change left hand weapon. → : Repair the right-hand side. ↑ : Changed spell/enchantment. ↓ : Change the object. ⭘: run. ✖ Paragraph: Jump / Press twice: Double jump. △: Action time (browse, open, etc.). /UI. △△Switch the left hand weapon L1 or L2. △ Right hand pistol + R1 or R2. ☐: Use objects. Left stick: move. Right stick: Control the camera. L3: Desmonta. A3: Fix target/release/restart camera. L1: Attack left (normal attack). L2: Attack left (power attack). Pseudo L1 or L2: Attack power. R1: Attack tendency (normal attack)/Use magic. R2: Power Attack (Power Attack). R Charge attack. Options: Main Menu. Touch Panel Buttons: Map

Xbox Series X/S

character control

←: Change left hand weapon. → : Repair the right-hand side. ↑ : Changed spell/enchantment. ↓ : Change the object. B: Back/Turn/Run. Q: Jump. Y: Time (Browse, Open, etc.). LT: Y+LB Left hand switches the weapon from single mode to opponent mode. Y or R + R1/RB2/RT: Switch the right-handed weapon from one-handed to opponent mode. X: Use the item. Left stick: move. Right stick: move camera/change target. L: Squat down/get up. A: Reset camera/set target/target. LB: Block (left-handed weapon). LT: Skill. RB: Attack (right hand weapon and weapon). RT: Power Attack (right hand weapon and weapon weapon). Reverse Transcription: Charged attack. Select button: Map. Button Start: Main Menu.

horse control

←: Change left hand weapon. → : Repair the right-hand side. ↑ : Changed spell/enchantment. ↓ : Change the object. B: Run. A: Jump/Press twice: Double jump. Y: Time point (browse, open, etc.)/display interface. Left hand weapon change: Y+LB. RT: Right hand right hand + right hand right hand. X: Use the item. Left stick: move. Right stick: Control the camera. L: Disassemble. A: Select target/drop/reset camera. LB: Left attack (normal attack). LT: Attack left (strong attack). LB or LT: Charged attack. RB: Attack (normal attack)/Use magic. RT: Offensive (Powerful Offense). RB or RT: Charged attack. Select button: Map. Button Start: Main Menu.



Alt: Walk W: Move Forward S: Move Backwards A: Move Left D: Move Right Space: Backstep, Doge Roll, Dash F: Saltar. X: Crouch / Stand up



Left Click: Attack (RH & Two-Handed Armament) Shift + Left Click: Strong Attack (RH & 2H Armament) Right Click: Guard (LH Armament) Shift + Right Click: Skill R: Usar objeto.


Arrow Up: Switch Sorcery / Incantation Arrow Down: Cambiar objeto. Right Arrow or Shift and middle-click: Cambiar arma de mano derecha. Left Arrow or Shift and middle-click: Cambiar arma de mano izquierda.


Q or Middle-Click:  Reset Camera, Lock-On /Remove Target


←: Change left hand weapon. → : Repair the right-hand side. ↑ : Changed spell/enchantment. ↓ : Change the object. B: Back/Turn/Run. Q: Jump. Y: Time (Browse, Open, etc.). Left-hand Y + LB or Left-hand to switch between one-handed and weapon Right/Right △/+R1RB or R2/RT: Switch between one-handed and right-handed right-hand X: Use item. Left stick: move. Right stick: move camera/change target. L: Crouch/Stand up R: Reset Camera/Lock/Target LB: Defender (armed with left hand) LT: Skill RB: Attack (armed with right hand and weapon) RT: Power Attack (armed with RH & 2H) Long Press: Charge Attack Options: Main menu. Touch panel buttons: Map.

←: Change left hand weapon. → : Repair the right-hand side. ↑ : Changed spell/enchantment. ↓ : Change the object. B: Dash Q: Jump. /Press: Double jump. Y: point in time (browse, open, etc.). /HUD LT Y + LB or switch to left hand weapon RT: Y + right arm or right hand weapon X: use item. Left stick: move. Right stick: control camera L: dismount from horse R: target selection/release/reposition LB: attack left (normal attack) LT: attack left (strong attack) long press: charge attack RB: attack (normal attack) / Use Magic RT: Toward Attack (Powerful Attack) Long Press: Charge Attack Options: Main Menu. Touch panel buttons: Map.

PlayStation 4

character control

←: Change left hand weapon. → : Repair the right-hand side. ↑ : Changed spell/enchantment. ↓ : Change the object. ⭘: back/roll/run. ✖: Jump. △: Active time (browse, open, etc.). △ Left-handed weapon mode + L1 or L2 changes the weapon mode from one-handed to two-handed weapons. △ Change the weapon to one hand or right arm 1 or right arm mode. ☐: Use objects. Left stick: move. Right stick: move camera/change target. L3: Squat down/stand up. A3: Reset/set target/delete target L1: Block (left hand weapon). L2: Skill. R1: Attack (right hand weapon and weapon weapon). R2: Powerful attack (right hand weapon) Crack R2: Charged attack. Options: Main Menu. Touch panel buttons: Map.

horse control

←: Change left hand weapon. → : Repair the right-hand side. ↑ : Changed spell/enchantment. ↓ : Change the object. ⭘: Dash ✖ paragraph jump. /Press: Double jump. △: Active time (browse, open, etc.). /HUD △△: Switch to the left-hand weapon L1 or L2 △/2/+R1 or R: Switch to the weapon ☐/: Use the target. Left stick: move. Right joystick: control camera L3: get off the horse R3: target selection/release/reset/reset L1: attack left (normal attack) L2: attack left (strong attack) long press: charge attack R1: attack (normal attack) Attack) / Use Magic R2: Attack Power (Power Attack) Long Press: Charge Attack Options: Main Menu. Touch panel buttons: Map.

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